Hello Everyone.
We just wanted to do a quick update on this years breeding season. Our last clutch was laid this week 6/3/17. It was Female VPI Stripeline Hypo possible het T+ Albino x Golden Eye 100% het T+ Albino. We are thrilled about this pairing and cannot wait for the 60 days to be up.
Below we have listed all the successful pairings we did this year.
- Female T- x Male 007 (Babies have hatched and are feeding)
- Granite Super Stripe x Granite Super Stripe Borneos (Babies have hatched and are feeding)
- T+ Matrix x Golden Eye 100% het T+
- T+ x CBE Stripe Line Founder
- Red Bull Line normal x Golden Eye
- Ivory (possible het T+) x Batik 100% het T+
- Blonde Super Stripe x Granite Super Stripe Borneos
- Black head Sumatran x Black head Sumatran Short-Tails
- Golden Eye x Batik 100% het T+
- VPI Stripe Line Hypo (possible het T+) x Golden Eye 100% het T+
As animals begin to hatch and start eating, anything available will be listed in our Shop. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or interest you may have.
Golden Eye on eggs
T+ Albino on eggs
Freshly hatched Granite Borneo Short-Tailed Pythons