Back To Basics: The Matrix Gene

For this post we just want to talk about a simple but powerful gene which we believe has a bright future ahead, and that is the Matrix. We will go over the basic characteristics of this gene, how it works genetically, and the combinations of Matrix along side other genes.

Matrix with dorsal striping

Matrix with dorsal striping

To the untrained eye, Matrix can look very similar to a normal but there are a few things to look for. The most definitive characteristic is a pink tongue. Normals have a dark/black tongue while Matrix do not. Other identifiers included pixelated side patterns and a wider than normal sub ocular stripe. As with all things Blood Python there will be a wide spectrum of looks. Pictured is a nice Matrix with some dorsal striping.

These sometimes can be hard to pick up on unless placed next to a normal, so if you are looking to get a Matrix in your collection it is best to buy from an experience Blood Python breeder. They will be able to tell them apart from other clutch mates.



Matrix is the incomplete dominate form Ivory. Or Ivory is the super form of Matrix. This means that when Matrix x Matrix is bred 1/4 of the offspring will be Ivory, 1/2 will be Matrix, and 1/4 will be normal. Matrix x Normal, half the clutch will be Matrix and half will be normal. Ivory x Matrix will result in 1/2 Ivory and 1/2 Matrix.

However that is just the beginning when it comes to Matrix. The Batrix, or Batik Matrix is a great looking snake. The Matrix intensifies the broken pattern of the Batik making it look like the pattern on a Granite Burmese Python, (only better in our very biased opinion!). Here is an example of the Batrix.

Batrix (Batik Matrix)

Batrix (Batik Matrix)

007s (Golden Eye Matrix)

007s (Golden Eye Matrix)

Another incredible combination using Matrix is the 007. A 007 is a Golden Eye Matrix. The matrix has a dramatic impact on the Golden Eye from both a color and pattern aspect. They are very unique looking animals as you can see here.

One of the more unique things we have done with the Matrix gene is breed it into our CBE Stripe Line animals. We did this last year and though the clutch was small the results were outstanding. The Matrix again showed to be a pattern changer to the stripe. Here is a picture from that pairing.

CBE Stripe Matrix

CBE Stripe Matrix

Electrostatic (T+ Albino Ivory Batik)

Electrostatic (T+ Albino Ivory Batik)

Last but not least, is the Electrostatic (Ivory Batik T+ Albino) we produced last year. All we did was take three genes that have been around for a long time and create something mindblowing. The three genes compliment each other so well and this snake shows why we believe Matrix is the cornerstone for many projects going forward. What isn’t there to like about Matrix? The Electrostatic is just one of many reasons why we also LOVE to add in T+ Albino into our Matrix projects.

This breeding season we are adding Matrix into a few new things, and hope all goes well so we can share those results with you all in just a few months! We feel these pairings will just reinforce the genetic potential Matrix brings to the table even though on its own it is a subtle trait. Don’t underestimate what Matrix will do in future projects! Here is a link to some comparison photos of Matrix and normals on our Facebook page,

This is an overview of the Matrix gene, if you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Scroll down for more pictures.

Normal, Matrix (Middle), 007 (Golden Eye Matrix)

Normal, Matrix (Middle), 007 (Golden Eye Matrix)

Young Ivory 100% het T+ Albino

Young Ivory 100% het T+ Albino

T+ Albino Matrix

T+ Albino Matrix

T+ Albino Ivory

T+ Albino Ivory