If you have followed our pages for anything length of time, you know that we love the Matrix gene. It is the incomplete dominate form of Ivory. With their pixelation, wide variety of looks, and the pink tongue, just on their own they are amazing.
Over the last couple of years we have continued to add Matrix into a few different genes including Pollen (VPI link here for Pollen information FLOWER PROJECT PYTHON BRONGERSMAI | Vida Preciosa International, Inc. (vpi.com)) and Zig Zag. We also plugged T+ Albino into both of these projects as well.
T+ Albino Pollen Matrix
T+ Albino Zig Zag Matrix
Last year we were also lucky enough to take the 007 project to another level and added in Batik. The incredible thing about 007 (Golden Eye Matrix) and Ivory (Super Matrix) is how much pattern they let come through. 007 Batik, pictured below really highlights this well. We have always said, they aren’t just another white snake and this is why.
007 Batik 100% het T+
007 Batik 100% het T+
To continue on that train of though, Ivory Batik Albino, pictured below, shows the same results. Ivory does not over power the Batik gene. In fact the work well together and create a beautiful animal called Electrostatic.
T+ Albino Ivory Batik
As we continue moving along with the Matrix combinations we have a feeling there are going to be some mind blowing results just around the corner. If you have questions about these projects, please feel free to reach out.