Hey Everyone!
With the actual breeding part of season behind us, and egg laying starting to happen now, we wanted to do a few in depth blogs about some of this years projects.
To start this off we are going to dive into the T+ Albino 007 x Electrostatic clutch that was laid yesterday 3/27/21. She did a great job laying 10 fertile eggs, and one slug egg. Clutch weight (fertile ones only) was 1132 grams.
What makes this pairing so exciting is all the work, time, and planning to get to this point. The Dam, T+ Albino 007 (Golden Eye Matrix) was produced by us, and her sire (GE het T+) and dam (T+ Albino Matrix) were also produced by us.
As for the Electrostatic (T+ Albino Ivory Batik) we produce his Sire, (T+ Albino Batrix) and raised his Dam, (Ivory het T+) from a baby. She was only possible het T+ at the time, and we were fortunate enough to prove her out as a 100% het Albino.
Family Tree Breakdown
Electrostatic: Produced by us
Sire: T+ Batrix: Produced by us
Sire: Batik het T+
Dam: T+ Albino Matrix : produced by us
Dam: Ivory het T+
T+ 007: Produced by us
Sire: Golden Eye het: Produced by us
Sire: Golden Eye
Dam: T+ Albino
Dam: T+ Matrix: Produced by us
Sire: Matrix het T+
Dam: Matrix het T+
So in order for us to get those 10 beautiful eggs yesterday, it has taken us YEARS to get to this point. From raising and getting healthy animals into adult hood, breeding them, and then raising their offspring into healthy and mature animals. And through all of that, we are about 60 days away from seeing the results of this and being able to continue working these projects into the future!
What comes next? We are not sure just yet. Maybe adding in a gene we do not currently work with, or something we have been raising up? Either way we are excited about moving these projects to the next level.
Male Electrostatic
Female T+ albino 007. Note: the dark color above her nostrils is from her nest box substrate
10 Fertile eggs on scale