Hey everyone!
This is a topic we have touched on a few times but we are going to revisit it due to a recent and very exciting clutch we had hatch just the other day.
Here is a link to the previous blog post, Long Term Projects: Part I — Cold Blooded Earth, but the pairing was T+ Albino 007 (Golden Eye Matrix) x Electrostatic (T+ Albino Ivory Batik). Loads of potential offspring with this breeding and all resulting offspring are T+ albino.
Knowing how varied Matrix, Golden Eye, and 007 can be, even siblings can look completely different. And as we begin to add more genes to these base morphs things can get a bit crazy. That is exactly what happened here. Our goal doing this breeding was to hopefully hatch a T+ Albino Golden Eye Ivory Batik. We were fortunate enough to do just that! In fact we produced a pair.
So what does this have to do with the topic of variability? Well, they look different. So what we began doing was looking for the similarities. Their face patterns in this case since there wasn't much else to go on other than faint dotting. We also compared these facial features to some other similar but fewer gene combinations including Golden Eye Ivory and 007 Batik.
In doing these few things and having a much closer look, it became clear these two animals, while different looking are in fact both T+ Albino Golden Eye Ivory Batiks. I'm sure these little baby snakes were sick of being stared at all day!

Golden Eye Ivory
Golden Eye Matrix (007) Batik