Hey Everyone,
It has been a bit since we posted anything here on our blog, but we just wanted to run down some of the highlights of 2023. It was a great year for us with some surprising results that made us look at some of these projects in a different light.
First up and the most shocking was breeding T+ Zig Zag Batk x T+ Sunder Golden Eye. We were not even sure the male was a Zig Zag, and needed to breed the female to be sure she was Sunder. Our initial thinking was just that this pairing would produce some beautiful babies if nothing else (and that is always the goal!). Well to say we were surprised with the results would be an understatement. The T+ Sunder Zig Zag Golden Eye was certainly the highlight of our season. Best Golden Eye combo we have made yet! This pairing breathed in new life to the Zig Zag project for us.
T+ Albino Zig Zag Batik
T+ Albino Sunder Golden Eye
T+ Albino Sunder Zig Zag Golden Eye
T+ Albino Sunder Pixel (Top)
T+ Albino Sunder Golden Eye (Left)
T+ Albino Sunder Zig Zag Golden Eye (Right)
Next up is something we have been keeping a lid on but it is time to share with you all! If you have been following along with us for any amount of time, you know we love T+ Albino and how important it is for us to get that into the Pied project. Check out this pairing! Getting a chance to make Matrix and Batrix 100% double het T+/Pied was a huge step for the future of this project!
Pied x Electrostatic
Electrostatic on eggs
Batrix 100% double het T+/Pied
Matrix 100% double het T+/Pied
Wrapping up a great year would not be complete without extending a very big THANK YOU for all the support. We have said it before, but it cannot be understated, we could not do this without you all. Hope everyone of you has a great 2024 season! More great things to come in the world of Blood and Short-Tailed Pythons.