Hey everyone!
Lots happening around here with the birth of our first child, Annabelle, and our first clutch of the season on the ground. We are so grateful for these two incredible events!
So, lets dive into the Pied project and what it means moving forward. We were fortunate enough to acquire one of the first Pied Red Blood Pythons available. She is thriving with us and laid a nice clutch of eggs on 3/5/2023 after being bred to a T+ Albino Pixel (pictured below).
Our goal was to get T+ into this project as soon as we could, and we could not be happier with how it went. She did an incredible job as a first-time mom, is back on food and resting as I type this. We do offer our females a nest box, but she decided to not utilize it. The clutch is now set up in the incubator and the 60-day count down starts now. It will be a while before we see the full potential of this clutch but that is what playing the long game is all about!
Below are pictures throughout the breeding season, as well as her growing up. We hope you enjoy this update, and that you will continue to follow this project as it develops!
Female Pied x T+ Albino Pixel
Pied Ovulation
Pied laying